Does the Diameter of a Wedding Sparkler Matter?
Using Sparklers are the most trending option for almost every wedding’s occasion for past few years, but does it makes any difference if there are sparklers of different sizes or different diameters being used in the wedding ceremony. Yes, it will…
Sparklers having different diameters will lit to different times. Usually, we have sparklers of 3 different sizes having a different thickness which are:
Sparklers of 10 inch are 0.06 inch in diameter, and it burns for 45 seconds.
Sparklers of 20 inch are 0.06 inch in diameter, and it lasts for almost two minutes.
Sparklers of 36 inch are 0.125 inches in diameter, and it lasts for a more extended period as compared to other sparklers. It sparkles for almost 4 minutes.
These sparklers of different diameters matter a lot for your wedding; it depends upon for what and when you want to use these sparklers and for how long you want it to be lit. Usually, for wedding ceremonies, people prefer to use sparklers of 36 inch as it lasts for long and fits in every moment of your wedding, whether it is to be used in the entrance, cake-cutting ceremony, at exit or else.